Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hair Color!

Wow!  It is absolutely amazing what a little hair color can do for your confidence!  I have had this stuff laying around the house for awhile, but today I just said...what the heck!  I am so glad I did.  It has lifted my mood at least a little!  So, if you are depressed, alone or just blah....get your hair cut or color that stuff!  It will at least give you a little lift.  Who can't benefit from that? 
Well, I am excited about my career options too.  I have about 4 more jobs I am applying for, and I am feeling pretty good about them.  So good luck to me!
Alrighty then, I am signing off for the day.  I didn't say much, but I am appreciative of how much better I feel today.  God bless everyone, and thank you if you are reading this! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New to dating!

Well, I have been divorced for two years now, but I am VERY new to dating.  I was married for 19 years, and thank God I had two beautiful, amazing kids!  I even have a precious granddaughter now!  Unfortunately, after being married that long, I gained quite a bit of weight.  I also completely lost myself.  I was only the "Mom", or the "Wife".  Who the heck am I?
Another unfortunate thing is that I took care of my kids most of the time, but I did little jobs on the side to make extra money.  Now that I'm divorced, (and 46 years old I might add) that doesn't look too good on a resume!  So, here I am, living in my Mother's basement.  No career, no job, and it doesn't look too good right now.  I know if I hang in there it will get better!  Thank God I have faith, or I don't know if I could've made it this far. 
As I'm sure you can tell, this is my very first blog post.  I promise they won't all be so depressing!  I am trying to journal my entire journey through this thing we call life.  So, I am only at the beginning...the "not so" fun stuff.  I hope to land a job soon, and I will have that to write about!  I also hope to start talking to the opposite sex.  Maybe as friends first.  God knows I don't need more chaos in my life right now! 
I have recently joined a local online dating site.  Let's just say I'm taking it VERY slow!  You never know who you are talking to, and I used to warn my daughter about this kind of stuff.  Who would have thought I would be on a dating site at my age! 
So....I hope to be a little more upbeat in the future.  Today has just been a "bad" day.  I appreciate you giving me your precious time!  Thank you so much for reading!!!
God bless & have a great day!
